European Funds – an opportunity we must take advantage of

The European Union (EU) response to the economic and social impact of the pandemic has been rapid and robust. The European Recovery and Resilience Facility (Next Generation EU) is an important step in the European construction process, most notably in the design and implementation of common fiscal policy elements. The efficient allocation of the funds … Continued

C-Suite Challenge 2021: Risks and Opportunities Ahead (Infographic)

CEOs say they are laser-focused on these top internal strategies… Accelerate pace of digital transformation Improve Innovation Modify business model Lower costs Streamline processes … and internal obstacules in 2021 COVID-19 related disruptions lack of quality talent Resource constraints relative to business needs Lack of an innovation Regulation

General State Budget 2021: a structural deficit that jeopardizes recovery (Infographic)

The sees the economic scenario forecast by the government on the evolution of the pandemic and its impact on activity and revenue as optimistic. COVID-19 has obliged the government to increase spending significantly, with forecasts that the structural deficit will reach 5.4% of GDP in 2020. Assuming that part of the exceptional expenditure will remain … Continued

Global Retirement Index (Infographic)

In 2020, Iceland, Switzerland and Norway are top of the Global Retirement Index which assesses pensioners’ welfare and financial security. Future retirement security could be at risk as a result of the recent situation caused by Covid-19. Five main risks have been identified. Spain drops for the second year consecutively. It currently holds the 32nd … Continued

Global Innovation Index (Infographic)

Switzerland tops the innovation index for the 10th consecutive year as a result of its business adaptation capacity to new technologies. There is a positive correlation between a country’s degree of development and its capacity to innovate. Nowadays, the most important technological clusters in the world are in the US and East Asia. Spain ranks … Continued

Spain and Portugal (Infographic)

Iberian Peninsula countries represent almost 9% of EU GDP and more than 10% of its population. In July, the European Commission forecasted than  Spain and Portugal will suffer two of the biggest GDP decreases in the region (-10,9% and 9,8% respectively). Both economies depend on large measure on the service sector, which has been the … Continued

Guaranteeing Resilience (Infographic)

Prepare the economy for rapid response capabilities Reinforce our health and healthcare capabilities Strengthen our education system Maintain a level of manageable indebtedness and a robust capital structure Strengthen our supply chains Create a favorable and stable business environment, guaranteeing judicial security Boost and consolidate public-private partnership models

Macrotrends in the post COVID-19 era

Historically, global crises have generated fundamental changes in beliefs and social attitudes, in turn, these have led to new policies and regulations. The global market of digital health will reach around €530 Billion in 2025, driven by new technologies and artificial intelligence. The crisis caused by Covid-19 will reconfigure international relations over the next few … Continued

Monetary Policy Effectiveness (Infographic)

Faced with the economic impact of the coronavirus, central banks have responded with significant interest rate reductions and liquidity provisions, limiting their options for future adjustments. Since the 2008 financial crisis, central banks have already significantly lowered their interest rates and increased their balance sheets through bulk asset purchasing programs (QE). Future measures by central … Continued

The drivers and disrupters report (infographic)

Currently, the economic growth and progress of countries is not only supported by structural factors such as the demographic pattern or productivity improvement, but also in new disruptive forces such as digitization, climate change, or populism. From the Top 5 countries that are ranked in the Bloomberg Drivers & Disrupters Report, Sweden, Denmark, and Australia … Continued


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