he Círculo de Empresarios, the Círculo de Economía and the Círculo de Empresarios Vascos, in their effort to help diagnose the structural situation of the Spanish economy and support its transformation, present the second edition of the Barometer of the Círculos. It includes the principal strengths and competitive weaknesses of our economic and business surroundings, and we make a series of proposals for structural reforms.

On this occasion, in our attempt to structure civil society, we have been joined by the Asociación Valenciana de Empresarios, the Club Financiero Vigo- Círculo de Empresarios de Galicia, and the Institución Futuro de Navarra, thus making the Barometer 2015 more representative both geographically and by sectors.

The Barometer offers a series of conclusions and recommendations for action to be taken by both the Public Administrations and the companies themselves. It also provides some special information about other international indicators of competitiveness by adding the analysis and opinions of a wide range of businessmen and executives from Spanish companies and multinational firms operating in Spain.

We are aware of the serious problem of unemployment and excessive debt in the Spanish economy, and the global challenges it will have to face, and in this report we want to help promote a more dynamic and competitive Spain that will generate greater wellbeing and wealth.

As with the first edition, we hope that the Barometer 2015 will generate wide public debate, and that it will lead to a common project for the country.


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