The Barometer of the Círculos, in this third edition, seeks to contribute to collectively solving the big problems that affect Spain. On this occasion, in addition to presenting the shared vision of the Círculo de Empresarios, the Círculo de Economía and the Círculo de Empresarios Vascos, it has enjoyed the participation –begun in 2015– of the Asociación Valenciana de Empresarios, the Club Financiero Vigo-Círculo de Empresarios de Galicia, and the Institución Futuro de Navarra.

The 2016 Barometer diagnoses the structural situation of the Spanish economy so as to identify the principal competitive strengths and weaknesses of our economic and business surroundings. If in 2015 the survey was more representative geographically and by sectors, this year’s Barometer sampling includes a significant number of small and medium-sized firms, precisely the kind of operations that must become larger and more numerous in Spain.

This analysis of the Spanish economy is complemented by a study of Spain’s position in in the principal international indicators of competitiveness, and for the first time in this edition we provide specific sectorial indicators. We also present the opinions of a broad range of businessmen and presidents of Spanish companies and multinational firms operating in Spain.
Based on the conclusions obtained in this Barometer, we present a body of recommendations about those economic and company areas in which action should be taken by both the Public Administrations and the companies themselves. To this end we present some of the best practices of other countries and of Spain in such areas as youth employment, dual vocational training, intraentrepreneurship, and commitment to growth.

The recommendations of the 2016 Barometer seek to consolidate the financial recovery and shore up growth, which will make it possible to resolve the serious problems that plague Spain. Among them: high levels of unemployment and debt, which affect the sustainability of the Welfare State.
Here at the Círculos, we believe it is necessary to promote a more dynamic and competitive Spain that will generate higher levels of wealth and wellbeing, guarantee equality of opportunities, and allow Spain and its companies to face the challenges of a global society.

As with previous editions, we hope that this 2016 Barometer will generate broad debate in society and help design a longed-for project that will usher in a new period of hope, progress and national structuring.


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