As it has been doing for more than 20 years, the Círculo de Empresarios again wants to express its concern about the sustainability of a pension system that will guarantee future social cohesion and equilibrium between generations. Based on the success of other European countries, and by means of dialogue and consensus, we think there are solutions to reformulating Spain’s pension system and adapting it to the social, demographic and economic conditions of the country. This reform should guarantee decent benefits for both present and future pensioners.
Pensions are a key element in a Welfare State whose cornerstones are the rights of all its citizens to equal opportunity and the chance to lead their own life. This policy statement seeks to contribute to an open debate as part of the Pacto de Toledo by proposing a series of short, medium and long-term measures that, after a transition period, should lead to a mixed system of collecting and distributing funds for pensions, one that is more transparent, fair and sustainable.