Así está the economy… May 2016
Spain continues to grow faster than the average in the Eurozone, whose GDP grew 0.6% in inter-quarterly terms and 1.6% with respect to the 1Q 2015.
Quarterly report on the global and the spanish economy Q1 2016
Quarterly report on the global and the Spanish economy Q1 2016 Obstacles to growth China’s economic development Emerging economies adjustment, mainly of low-income commodity exporters European political and social scene: Brexit, refugee crisis… Global geopolitical risks Financial markets volatility
Quarterly report on the global and the Spanish economy Q4 2015
Economic activity Global economic growth deceleration in 2015 and slightly recovery in 2016. Minor recovery in developed economies. It remains an uneven improvement path.
Quaterly Report on the Spanish Economic Situation Q1 2015
Moderation in global growth China continues desacelerating Further weakness in Brazil in 2015
Quarterly Report Q3 2015
Moderation in global growth China continues desacelerating Further weakness in Brazil in 2015.
Quarterly Report on the Spanish Economy Q2 2015
CHINA continues desacelerating although its more flexible financial policy. Real GDP growth rates stabilized in emerging countries except India. Increased economic dynamism in developed countries.
The Barometer of the Círculos
he Círculo de Empresarios, the Círculo de Economía and the Círculo de Empresarios Vascos, in their effort to help diagnose the structural situation of the Spanish economy and support its transformation, present the second edition of the Barometer of the Círculos. It includes the principal strengths and competitive weaknesses of our economic and business surroundings, and we make … Continued
Industrial fabric, financing, así está the company (May 2015)
Industry Industrial fabric The small size of companies is one of the principal structural problems of Spanish industry. Only 17% of the industrial companies have 10 or more workers, as against 44% in Switzerland or 38% in Germany (Deloitte). Our companies have an average size of 10 workers, whereas the average for Europe is 17.
Quaterly Report on the Spanish Economic Situation
Quarterly Report on the Spanish Economic Situation Q1 2015 Depreciation of the euro, with the lowest exchange rate since the spring of 2003. Greater competitiveness of European exports outside the eurozone and more expensive imports.
Special issue: Large companies
Installment payment of Corporation Tax In 2014, total installment payment of corporation tax increased 6.9% over 2013, to 17,425 million euros. Installment payment by the large companies and consolidated groups totaled 15,905 million euros in 2014, some 8.3% more than in 2013 and double the figure of 2011 (7,626 million).
The Spanish business think tank of reference
Who we are Círculo de Empresarios (CdE) was created in 1977 as a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship, private initiative and a market economy. CdE acts as an independent think tank in Spanish society by expressing ideas, carrying out studies and issuing opinions to help improve economic and social development. CdE also serves as … Continued
Achieving competitive, sustainable and guaranteed energy
What would we do in a world without energy? Of course this is a rhetorical question, but it’s one that’s been with human beings forever. Every great step forward in the world has been propelled by energy. Almost a million years ago Man harnessed fire and realized that this “magic” gave him the independence to … Continued
Achieving competitive, sustainable and guaranteed energy
What would we do in a world without energy? Of course this is a rhetorical question, but it’s one that’s been with human beings forever. Every great step forward in the world has been propelled by energy. Almost a million years ago Man harnessed fire and realized that this “magic” gave him the independence to … Continued
The Spanish medium-sized company 2014
The project of the Círculo de Empresarios for the Spanish medium-sized company1 seeks to evaluate and make these firms more visible by providing an accurate diagnosis. While they are essential for the growth of the Spanish economy, they have not received systematic analysis in the economic debate. The aim is to provide a platform and … Continued