Así esta… the economy october 2017

SPAIN Tourist movements (Frontur) Spain registered 57.3 million tourists in the first eight months of 2017 (9.9% more than in the same period of 2016). By country, the main countries of origin were the United Kingdom (13 million), France (8.4 million) and Germany (8.2 million). Labour (Ministry of Employment) September ended with 27,858 more unemployed … Continued

Así está… the economy May 2017

SPAIN Advanced GDP 1Q 2017 (INE)) In the 1Q of 2017 the GDP grew by 0.8% quarter-on-quarter and 3% year-on-year. Employment April 2017 (Ministry of Employment and Social Security) In April the average affiliation to Social Security grew 1.18% to reach 18,122,222 employed persons. In year-on-year terms, there were 658,387 more affiliates (+3.77%), the best … Continued

Así está… the economy February 2017

SPAIN Employment January 2017 (Ministry of Employment and Social Security) Registered unemployment rose by 57,257 persons from December to reach 3,760,231, one of the lowest levels of the past seven years. In year-on-year terms, the number of people without work dropped by 390,524 (down 9.41%), the largest decline since 1999. In December there were 1,633,592 … Continued

Así está the economy… Enero 2017

SPAIN Employment December 2016 (Ministry of Employment and Social Security) Registered unemployment was reduced by 86,849 persons with respect to November, for a total of 3,702,974 unemployed persons, one of the lowest levels of the past seven years. In year-on-year terms, it dropped by 390,534 (-9.54%), the greatest drop since 1999 and a descent of … Continued

Así está the economy… April 2016

SPAIN 2015 regional GDP In 2015, the average rate of economic growth in Spain’s regional communities was 3.2%, but three of them grew at an even higher rate: Valencia (3.6%), Madrid (3.4%) and Catalo-nia (3.3%). By contrast, Cantabria (2.6%), Aragón (2.7%) and the autonomous city of Melilla (2.7%) registered the lowest rates of growth. Overall, … Continued

Así está the economy… November 2015

SPAIN Exports, January-September 2015 Exports of merchandise to September reached 186,261.1 million euro, with an increase of 4.4% year-on-year (Ministry of the Economy). Imports also increased, 3.9%, to 204,903.1 million euro, thus confirming the recovery of internal demand. The trade deficit was reduced by 1.1% (to 18,642 million euro). The non-energy balance had a surplus of 2,034.1 million euro (vs. 10,704 million the … Continued

Así está the economy… July 2015

SPAIN Unemployment, hiring and Social Security affiliation In June, unemployment dropped for the fifth consecutive month, by 94,727 persons, to a total of 4,120,304 persons, the smallest drop in a month of June in the last three years. This drop was generalized, with the excep-tion of a 3.6% increase (7,027 personas) in agriculture. Among people … Continued

May 2015. Así está the economy…

SPAIN Growth Quarterly National Accounts (INE) In the 1Q of 2015 the Spanish economy experienced its greatest annual advance since 2007: 2.6% (2% 1Q 2014), thus linking six positive quarters. The quarter-on-quarter rate rose 0.9% (0.7% 4Q 2014). This recover is based on greater private consumption, improved expectations and better financial conditions, and the drop … Continued


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