An urgent reform to our pensions system

An efficient, sustainable pensions system must respect a series of fundamental principles: the contributory principle (proportionality between contributions and receipts), fairness, intergenerational solidarity, adequacy and economic balance. In the case of Spain, these principles were defined within a context of broad consensus between political parties in what would become known as the Toledo Pact. Although … Continued

An efficient labour market generating stable employment

Reforms relating to the labour market are among the urgent structural changes needed to boost competitiveness and, in consequence, economic growth, the creation of quality employment and social well-being. It is with good reason that these have been identified as essential by European Institutions within the framework of the Recovery Plan for Europe, such that … Continued


The Círculo de Empresarios’ principles and recommendations for energy transition

Contemporary society is undergoing extraordinary transformation with major consequences for the energy sector – a key industry with respect to socio-economic progress. Global GDP is forecast to double by 2050 and the world’s population will reach 9.8 billion. Given this context, it is essential to tackle climate change and environmental protection, promoting the efficient and … Continued

Ten pressing issues for the Spanish Healthcare system in 2019

One of the main objectives of the Círculo de Empresarios is to analyse the different areas of Spain’s economic and social reality and to offer ideas and constructive proposals for the benefit of Spanish society as a whole. In this sense, we have always been concerned about our Welfare State, and making it sustainable and responsive … Continued

C-Suite Challenge Report 2019

Companies are evolving all the time: they grow; split off into smaller parts; acquire and divest; innovate products, processes, and services; adopt new technologies; and engage differently with their customers and employees. And so it has been for centuries. But today, companies are grappling with fundamental paradigm shifts. Disruptive forces are rendering company and industry-wide … Continued

Youth employment and Dual FP: Youngsters enthusiastic about their future

Youth training in Spain must adapt to the needs of the labor market in a more global, interconnected and ever-changing world in which talent is key. The school dropout rate, inefficient career guidance and the mismatch between the education system and business fabric are the main causes of the high level of youth unemployment in … Continued

The Barometer of the Círculos 2018

In its fifth edition, the Barometer of the Círculos, restates its commitment to Spanish society, by seeking out solutions that are aimed at rectifying the socio-economic imbalances that persist in our country. In order to achieve a more global and structured vision, the three institutions promoting the Barometer of the Círculos, Círculo de Empresarios, the … Continued

A pact for inclusive growth

The year 1977 evokes images of change, freedom, openness and mutual understanding. Many Spanish people can remember where they were when the recent democratic history of our country began. Others, because of their age, grew up while this was being consolidated, or had the good fortune to be born in a modern Spain that was … Continued

A better Spain for everyone

All the best things that have happened in Spain over the past 40 years of democracy have been a result of the attainment of our freedom and the achievement of our country’s modernisation, which has been boosted and reinforced through our integration with and commitment to the European project. Since 1977, the history of Spain … Continued

The Barometer of the Círculos 2017

The Barometer of the Círculos, now in its fourth edition, maintains its commitment to Spanish society to help resolve the imbalances that persist in the wake of the recent economic crisis. This objective is shared by the Círculo of Entrepreneurs, the Círculo of Economy and the Círculo of Basque Entrepreneurs, and has been since the … Continued

The Barometer of the Círculos 2016

The Barometer of the Círculos, in this third edition, seeks to contribute to collectively solving the big problems that affect Spain. On this occasion, in addition to presenting the shared vision of the Círculo de Empresarios, the Círculo de Economía and the Círculo de Empresarios Vascos, it has enjoyed the participation –begun in 2015– of … Continued

Así está the economy… April 2016

SPAIN 2015 regional GDP In 2015, the average rate of economic growth in Spain’s regional communities was 3.2%, but three of them grew at an even higher rate: Valencia (3.6%), Madrid (3.4%) and Catalo-nia (3.3%). By contrast, Cantabria (2.6%), Aragón (2.7%) and the autonomous city of Melilla (2.7%) registered the lowest rates of growth. Overall, … Continued

Así está the company… February 2016

Barometer of the companies Corporate trends According to the Deloitte Barometer, of the 294 Spanish companies surveyed, 61% report that their billing improved in the second half of 2015 (although it was some 2 decimal points lower than in the first half of the year) a figure slightly higher than their expectations for the first half of 2016. In addition, … Continued

Así está the economy… November 2015

SPAIN Exports, January-September 2015 Exports of merchandise to September reached 186,261.1 million euro, with an increase of 4.4% year-on-year (Ministry of the Economy). Imports also increased, 3.9%, to 204,903.1 million euro, thus confirming the recovery of internal demand. The trade deficit was reduced by 1.1% (to 18,642 million euro). The non-energy balance had a surplus of 2,034.1 million euro (vs. 10,704 million the … Continued

Así está the company… Octubre 2015

Private sector financing New company credit Since February of 2015, in year-on-year terms, there has been a gradual recovery in the flow of new credit to non-financial companies. In August, lending by credit institutions to companies was 23,650 million euros, or 16.3% more than in the same period of the previous year. While this was a more moderate increase than in July … Continued

Así está the company… September 2015

Barometer of the companies Investment The Barometer of Deloitte shows that of the 280 companies that were surveyed, 66% claim to have increased investment during the first half of 2015 –the greatest increase since 2008– as against the 58% of the same period in 2014. The principal reasons for these investment decisions were expanding business and technological changes. By intervals, 48% of … Continued

2016 General State Budget: possible, but we need more reforms to strengthen growth

Recent improvements in GDP and employment confirm that Spain’s recovery and economic dynamism continue to be strengthened. Internally, the reforms that have been carried out and the efforts in the private sector have corrected some of our macroeconomic imbalances. This has led to improvements in the labor market, the external sector, investment and access to … Continued

2016 General State Budget: possible, but we need more reforms to strengthen growth

Recent improvements in GDP and employment confirm that Spain’s recovery and economic dynamism continue to be strengthened. Internally, the reforms that have been carried out and the efforts in the private sector have corrected some of our macroeconomic imbalances. This has led to improvements in the labor market, the external sector, investment and access to … Continued

Así está the economy… July 2015

SPAIN Unemployment, hiring and Social Security affiliation In June, unemployment dropped for the fifth consecutive month, by 94,727 persons, to a total of 4,120,304 persons, the smallest drop in a month of June in the last three years. This drop was generalized, with the excep-tion of a 3.6% increase (7,027 personas) in agriculture. Among people … Continued

Así está The Company… Jun 2015

Financial accounts Capacity and need for financing Increases in excess profits of non-financial corporations has strenghtened internal financing, reducing the debt burden. In 2014, they had a financing capacity of 11,335 million euros in contrast to the more than 90,000 million euros in necessary financing in 2007. Banking disintermediation has helped to reduce company debt … Continued

The Barometer of the Círculos 2015

The Círculo de Empresarios, the Círculo de Economía and the Círculo de Empresarios Vascos, in their effort to help diagnose the structural situation of the Spanish economy and support its transformation, present the second edition of the Barometer of the Círculos. It includes the principal strengths and competitive weaknesses of our economic and business surroundings, and we make … Continued


SPAIN Registered unemployment Unemployment dropped in May by 117,985 persons (-34,160 persons in seasonally adjusted terms), the largest decline ever for this month, to 4,215,031 people out of work. The year-on-year average decline (-7.82%; -357,354 persons) was also the largest ever. During this month 1,573,293 new contracts were signed (+7.9% year-on-year). Full-time permanent contracts increased … Continued

May 2015. Así está the economy…

SPAIN Growth Quarterly National Accounts (INE) In the 1Q of 2015 the Spanish economy experienced its greatest annual advance since 2007: 2.6% (2% 1Q 2014), thus linking six positive quarters. The quarter-on-quarter rate rose 0.9% (0.7% 4Q 2014). This recover is based on greater private consumption, improved expectations and better financial conditions, and the drop … Continued


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