Así está… the company march 2017

Financing sources Between 2010 and 2015, the non-financial companies on the IBEX 35 reduced their debts with credit institutions by 39.8%, from 138 billion euros to 83 billion euros. In terms of balance sheet structure, bank financing (% financial liabilities) for these companies went from 53 to 36.5%. Likewise, fixed income financing (corporate debt) increased … Continued

Así está… the company December 2016

Spanish banking sector Profits During the first quarter of 2016, amidst low interest rates, the consolidated results of Spanish credit institutions dropped 23.6%. By contrast, the improvement in economic activity has made it possible to continue to lower the volume of troubled assets (down 40% since December of 2013). At the same time, according to … Continued

The Barometer of the Círculos 2016

The Barometer of the Círculos, in this third edition, seeks to contribute to collectively solving the big problems that affect Spain. On this occasion, in addition to presenting the shared vision of the Círculo de Empresarios, the Círculo de Economía and the Círculo de Empresarios Vascos, it has enjoyed the participation –begun in 2015– of … Continued

The Spanish medium-sized company project

PRESENTATION The Spanish medium-sized company project The medium-sized Spanish business Project seeks to provide strong arguments that contribute realism to the economic-financial and social analysis of our businesses, to be used in communication with the media, public administration, research centers and the business fabric itself. The Project is led by the member of the Círculo de Empresarios, Jesús Prieto … Continued


Diplomatic Enterprise Programme (PECD)

The Diplomatic Enterprise Programme (of the Spanish, PECD) was created through an agreement signed by the then-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Miguel Angel Moratinos, and the President of Círculo de Empresarios, Claudio Boada, on 21 July 2008. Through this programme, diplomats, selected by the Ministry, can undertake research placements at companies, providing them with … Continued


Judges And Magistrates Enterprise Programme (PEMJ)

Last edition of the program in Iberdrola This programme’s (of the Spanish, PEMJ) goals are, firstly, to promote mutual knowledge, awareness and the pooling of experience to help judges, magistrates and entrepreneurs to best perform their activities. Secondly, to provide judges and magistrates with real knowledge of business, its principles, organization, objectives, and ways of … Continued


Industry and Parliament Scheme

PRESENTACIÓN The Industry and Parliament Scheme was created in 1987 with a two-fold purpose: On the one hand, to provide parliamentary representatives with real knowledge of business,  its principles, objectives, organization, strategies and ways of working, as well as its technological and human principles. On the other, to provide business executives and their collaborators with an … Continued


Business-Defence Program

On October 24, 2012, the VI Course on the Senior Management of Infrastructure and Assets made a visit to The Ferrovial Corporation within the scheduled activities of the said course. They were accompanied by Colonel Hernández Vera, a lecturer in the School for Advanced Studies in Defense (EALEDE). The Ferrovial Corporation is one of the … Continued

Así está the company… February 2016

Barometer of the companies Corporate trends According to the Deloitte Barometer, of the 294 Spanish companies surveyed, 61% report that their billing improved in the second half of 2015 (although it was some 2 decimal points lower than in the first half of the year) a figure slightly higher than their expectations for the first half of 2016. In addition, … Continued

Así está the company… Octubre 2015

Private sector financing New company credit Since February of 2015, in year-on-year terms, there has been a gradual recovery in the flow of new credit to non-financial companies. In August, lending by credit institutions to companies was 23,650 million euros, or 16.3% more than in the same period of the previous year. While this was a more moderate increase than in July … Continued

2016 General State Budget: possible, but we need more reforms to strengthen growth

Recent improvements in GDP and employment confirm that Spain’s recovery and economic dynamism continue to be strengthened. Internally, the reforms that have been carried out and the efforts in the private sector have corrected some of our macroeconomic imbalances. This has led to improvements in the labor market, the external sector, investment and access to … Continued

Así está The Company… Jun 2015

Financial accounts Capacity and need for financing Increases in excess profits of non-financial corporations has strenghtened internal financing, reducing the debt burden. In 2014, they had a financing capacity of 11,335 million euros in contrast to the more than 90,000 million euros in necessary financing in 2007. Banking disintermediation has helped to reduce company debt … Continued

Reindustrialization, Shadow economy, Entrepreneur, Financing, Así esta the company

Reindustrialization in Spain There has been a slight improvement in the industrial sector in Spain: Industrial production in January increased 0.4% year-on-year (adjusted for seasonal effects and calendar), mainly thanks to the energy sector (+3.9%) and capital goods production (+1.1%) (Index of Industrial Production, INE). Investment in capital goods increased 10.3% year-on-year in the 4Q … Continued



Published by Expansión The Círculo de Empresarios, which is currently celebrating its thirty-fifth birthday, was created at the start of Spain’s transition from dictatorship to democracy. In that difficult period, José María López de Letona, our honorary president and founder, led a generous offer by a group of important businessmen who wanted to express their conviction that the market economy was the … Continued


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