Business… at a glance January 2022
Industrial Price Index (IPRI) Business Turnover Index Labour Force Survey Eurozone PMI Russia Industrial Price Index US GDP
Industrial Price Index (IPRI) Business Turnover Index Labour Force Survey Eurozone PMI Russia Industrial Price Index US GDP
Service Sector Activity Indicators Industrial turnover index Industrial price index Germany – Industrial price index Energy and raw materials prices US current account balance
Employment in Spain Retail trade indices Manufacturing PMI Spain Manufacturing PMI Eurozone and the US Financial markets Trade balance India
IN 2020, DESPITE THE PANDEMIC, IMPROVEMENTS WERE OBSERVED IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS INDICATORS In 2021, Switzerland, Sweden and the US lead the global ranking and that of their regions. China, the one with the highest increase in R&D spending in 2019 among the top 5 investing economies. 60% of companies investing in R&D reported … Continued
Employment in Spain (Social Security) New and used housing prices (Sociedad de Tasación) Retail sales in Spain (INE) Eurozone PMIs (IHS Markit) US trade balance (Bureau of Economic Analysis) Investment in cloud computing infrastructure* (IDC)
Manufacturing sector PMI Non-financial private sector financing Vehicle production In June vehicle production decreased 18.1% year-on-year and 33.8% compared to June 2019 This can be explained by a lack of microchips since the end of 2020 and the slow level of recovery in Europe (with a fall in exports of 14.9% year-on-year) Sales remain far … Continued
Harmonized Business Confidence Index Company creation and dissolution Insolvency proceedings in Spain In June, insolvencies increased 34% compared to the same month in 2020 when decreed moratoria drastically reduced the filing of insolvency proceedings. Commercial air transport in the EU Wholesale trade sales in the US In May 2021, wholesale trade sales reached $576.45 billion. … Continued
Spain’s manufacturing and service sector PMI In May, manufacturing activity registered its highest level of the past 23 years, and service sector activity was the highest since August 2015. Tax revenue from large enterprises and SMEs In April 2021 tax revenue from large enterprises increased 23.7% year on year and that of SMEs by 1.3%. … Continued
The tourism sector (INE) In the first quarter of 2021, 1.208.761 international tourists arrived in Spain, 13 million fewer than two years ago when the pandemic still hadn t brought the sector to a standstill. Industrial Production Index (IPI) (INE) By autonomous community, the advances in Navarre (31.2%) and Cantabria (26%) are in contrast with … Continued
Industrial Production Index (IPI) (INE) By autonomous community, the increases in Cantabria (12,0%) Galicia (4,8%) and Extremadura (4,1%) are in sharp contrast with the decreases in the Balearic Islands (14,0%) and Canary Islands (12,3%) Sales by Large Companies (Tax Agency) In Jan Feb 2021 sales by large companies (with last year s business operations at €6.01 … Continued
Labor costs, Spain In Q4 2020, labor costs per worker and month fell -0.1% year-on-year to €2,752.26, a slight decrease against the 8.3% of Q2 2020. By components, salary costs fell 0.7% year-on-year to €2,061.30. “Other costs” grew 1.7%, as a result of the increases in Social Security contributions (1.4% year-on-year to €634.57) and non-wage … Continued
Activity indicators Service sector In December, the General Services Sector Turnover Index registered an 8.7% year-on-year contraction, accumulating. This figure has remained in negative territory for the 10th consecutive month, but it has improved compared to November (-12.6%), which indicates a slight recovery of the sector that coincided with the Christmas season. In 2020 as … Continued
CEOs say they are laser-focused on these top internal strategies… Accelerate pace of digital transformation Improve Innovation Modify business model Lower costs Streamline processes … and internal obstacules in 2021 COVID-19 related disruptions lack of quality talent Resource constraints relative to business needs Lack of an innovation Regulation
Mercantile Companies, Spain In November 2020, 7,339 businesses were incorporated, an increase of 0.1% year-onyear (compared to -7.9% in October). The capital subscribed increased 14.6% yearon-year to more than €367 million. For its part, the number of dissolved companies (2,062) grew 4% year-on-year (compared to -8.8% in October). By activity, most of the businesses formed were … Continued
Labour cost, Spain In Q3 2020, the Harmonized Labor Cost Index, increased 2.9% year-on-year (compared to 8.1% in Q2 2020). This slowdown with respect to the previous quarter can be explained by the smaller decrease in the number of hours worked after the end of the state of alarm (June 21st). Among its components, salary … Continued
Trading companies, Spain In September, the number of companies created increased 14% year-on-year (6,599 businesses), making it the highest rate since August 2016 (23.5%). At the same time, the capital subscribed for their constitution increased 11.5% year-on-year, exceeding €223 million. For its part, dissolved companies increased 29.3% year-on-year (1,623 companies), the highest percentage since April 2013 … Continued
Private sector debt, Spain In Q2 2020, combined business and household debt rose 1.9% year-on-year (compared to -0.4% Q2 2019) to 141.2% of GDP (€1,654 billion), the highest level since Q3 2017 (141.9%). This development can be explained as a result of the increase in debt and the decrease in GDP in absolute terms. Company … Continued
Labour Cost Index, Spain In Q2 2020, labour costs per hour worked grew 8.3% year-on-year (against 3.1% in Q2 2019), the biggest increase on record. This development is explained by a fall in the number of hours worked greater than that of salary costs as a result of the state of alarm and the lockdown … Continued
Labour market, Spain In June, the number of affiliates to the Social Security system registered a moderate increase of 0.4% year-on-year, to 18,624,337 people. By sectors, construction experienced the biggest increase at 3.7% month-onmonth, followed by industry (0.7%) and the service sector (0.3%). On the other hand, agriculture fell 3.2%. In spite of the increase, … Continued
Industrial production, Spain In April, the Industrial Production Index (IPI) fell 33.6% year-on-year. This is the biggest decrease since reporting began, in a context marked by the impact of the lockdown measures to contain the spread of Covid-19. According to goods types, the biggest decreases were with consumer durables (-67.5%) and capital goods (-57.4%). Production … Continued
Business sector, Spain In March, 6,767 new companies were created, the lowest figure for this month since 1995. This implied a fall of 28.3% compared to the same month last year. The capital subscribed for their creation reached €411.7 billion, 5.9% lower than in March 2019. By sector, most new businesses were related to trade … Continued
Business confidence, Spain In the second quarter (Q2) of 2020, the Business Confidence Index (BCI)1 was at 95.5 points, the lowest level since the start of the series, falling 26.9% with respect to the first quarter of the year. 75.1% of business managers think their company performance will be negative in the second quarter, 21.8% … Continued
Industrial Production, Spain In January, the Industrial Production Index (IPI) decreased 2.1% year-on-year, its biggest drop since March 2019 (-2.7%). By sectors, all have fallen, especially in energy (-5.8%) and consumer goods (-1.8%). By Autonomous Community, the IPI only increased in Navarra (8.6%) and Galicia (2.9%), while the largest declines were recorded in Andalusia (-12.1%), … Continued
Industrial production, Spain In 2019, the Industrial Production Index in Spain (IPI) rose by an average of 0.6% yearon- year compared to the decline in the Eurozone (-1.7%). Nonetheless, this increase was 0.14pp lower than in 2018, and the lowest increase since 2014. By sectors, the increase in production of capital goods (2.5% year-on-year) and … Continued
Industrial production, Spain In November 2019, the Industrial Production Index (IPI) in Spain increased by 2.1% year-on-year, compared with the 3% decline registered in the same month of 2018. This increase is the second largest of the year since the 2.8% increase in January, in a context where the industrial production throughout the Eurozone has … Continued
Tourism, Spain Between January and October 2019, tourist arrivals in Spain increased by 1.1% year-onyear, which is 0.5pp more than the increase recorded in the same period last year, amounting to 74.4 million visitors. Despite this increase, the tourist arrivals from the following main tourist sending countries dropped: • The United Kingdom (22% of the … Continued
Trade in goods, Spain Between January and September (Eurostat), exports of Spanish goods increased by 1.4% year-on-year, which is 2.5pp less than in the same period of 2018, to €221.5 billion (18.4% of GDP). Concurrently, imports slowed down to a moderate growth of 1% year-onyear, compared with 6.3% in the same period last year, standing … Continued
Balance of trade, Spain In 2019, between January and August, the exports of goods increased by 1.1% year-onyear, which is 3.1pp less than in the same period of 2018, amounting to €192,131 million (15.9% of the GDP). Whereas for the same period, the imports of goods dampened down to 1.2% year-on-year (vs 6.1% year-on-year in … Continued
Labour cost, Spain The rise in the minimum wage since January 2019 (22.3%) and the higher maximum contribution bases to Social Security (7%) are the main factors that explain the rise in labour costs. Specifically, in Q2 2019, the labour cost per worker increased by 2.4% year-on-year (2.1% in Q1 2019) to €2,664.55, the largest … Continued
Private sector debt, Spain In Q1 2019, the consolidated debt of nonfinancial corporations and households increased for the first time since Q3 2009 by 0.2% year-on-year, to €1.6 billion (132.8% of GDP). In the case of non-financial corporations, the increase in minimum wage, labour and investment costs, and lower profit margins explain the rise in … Continued
Labour costs and minimum wage In Q1 2019, the average labour cost1 in Spain has increased for the seventh consecutive month by 2.1% year-on-year (up to €2,550.27 per month per employee), its largest increase since Q4 2013. By components: • The average salary cost2 has increased by 1.7% year-on-year (to €1,876.19 per month per employee), … Continued
Industry Spain In March, industry indicators exhibit a downward trend year-on-year. Specifically: • The Industrial Production Index (IPI) dipped by 3.1% for the second consecutive month, 2.9 pp more than in February. By sector, the most noticeable drops occurred in energy goods (-9.9%) and durable goods (-5.8%), while capital goods (+0.5%) and intermediate goods (+0.4%) report … Continued
Labour market Spain In March, the registered unemployment in the Social Security fell by 4.89% year-onyear to amount to 3,255,084 unemployed, while the number of affiliates increased by 2.93% to a total of 19,043,079. Tourism sector Spain In 2018, the Synthetic Indicator of Tourism GDP in Spain (ISTE) reported an annual increase of 1.9%, which … Continued