EU Social Progress Index 2024 European Commission (Infographic)

Social Progress in the EU and its regions THE INDEX SCORES FACTORS RELATING TO BASIC NEEDS, WELLBEING AND OPPORTUNITIES. THE NORDIC COUNTRIES CONSISTENTLY PERFORM BETTER THAN THE EASTERN AND SOUTHERN STATES By country, the highest-ranked countries have higher education and trust and governance as strengths. At the regional level, those with the greatest social progress … Continued

The Círculo proposes furthering public-private sector partnerships in Healthcare

(Miércoles, 24 de abril de 2024) The Círculo de Empresarios has published the document “People-centred healthcare” in which it proposes furthering public-private sector partnerships taking advantage of the strengths of both the public and private spheres, expanding access to medical attention and improving the efficiency and quality of healthcare services. Produced in partnership with EY, the … Continued

International Migration Outlook 2021 (Infographic)

IN 2020 MIGRATION FELL BY 30% AND REACHED ITS LOWEST LEVEL SINCE 2003 Migration inflows reached their highest level of the decade in 2016. Immigrants contribute more in taxes than governments spend on them. SPANIARDS MIGRATE MAINLY TO EUROPEAN COUNTRIES In 2019, Colombia, Morocco and Venezuela were the top three nationalities of newcomers The work … Continued

Current situation of the housing market in Spain (Infographic)

Evolution of house prices in Spain Despite the strong social and economic impact of the pandemic house prices have shown positive growth rates. During the hardest months of pandemic, the moderation initiated in mid-2018 in the pace of house price advances has accentuated. Why do prices behave in this way? Changing consumer preferences Temporary shortage … Continued

Global Retirement Index (Infographic)

In 2020, Iceland, Switzerland and Norway are top of the Global Retirement Index which assesses pensioners’ welfare and financial security. Future retirement security could be at risk as a result of the recent situation caused by Covid-19. Five main risks have been identified. Spain drops for the second year consecutively. It currently holds the 32nd … Continued

Ten pressing issues for the Spanish Healthcare system in 2019

One of the main objectives of the Círculo de Empresarios is to analyse the different areas of Spain’s economic and social reality and to offer ideas and constructive proposals for the benefit of Spanish society as a whole. In this sense, we have always been concerned about our Welfare State, and making it sustainable and responsive … Continued

Los 10 temas candentes de la Sanidad Española

The Círculo de Empresarios analyses the ten pressing issues for the Spanish Health system in 2019

The Círculo de Empresarios has launched Ten pressing issues for the Spanish Health system in 2019 today, a book that collects a series of improvement proposals in different aspects about a key pillar for our Welfare State. The presentation of this publication has been carried out by the Chairman of the Círculo de Empresarios, John … Continued

Youth employment and Dual FP: Youngsters enthusiastic about their future

Youth training in Spain must adapt to the needs of the labor market in a more global, interconnected and ever-changing world in which talent is key. The school dropout rate, inefficient career guidance and the mismatch between the education system and business fabric are the main causes of the high level of youth unemployment in … Continued

The Quality of Institutions in Spain

Alongside growth and corporate responsibility, institutional quality represents one of the three centerpieces guiding the considerations of the Círculo de Empresarios. It has been a fundamental issue of our concern since the beginning of our association more than forty years ago. It can be shown empirically that the progress and well-being of society are intricately bound up with the quality … Continued

The Quality of Institutions in Spain

Alongside growth and corporate responsibility, institutional quality represents one of the three centerpieces guiding the considerations of the Círculo de Empresarios. It has been a fundamental issue of our concern since the beginning of our association more than forty years ago. It can be shown empirically that the progress and well-being of society are intricately … Continued

A pact for inclusive growth

The year 1977 evokes images of change, freedom, openness and mutual understanding. Many Spanish people can remember where they were when the recent democratic history of our country began. Others, because of their age, grew up while this was being consolidated, or had the good fortune to be born in a modern Spain that was … Continued

A better Spain for everyone

All the best things that have happened in Spain over the past 40 years of democracy have been a result of the attainment of our freedom and the achievement of our country’s modernisation, which has been boosted and reinforced through our integration with and commitment to the European project. Since 1977, the history of Spain … Continued

A sustainable pension system that guarantees cohesion and equilibrium between generations

As it has been doing for more than 20 years, the Círculo de Empresarios again wants to express its concern about the sustainability of a pension system that will guarantee future social cohesion and equilibrium between generations. Based on the success of other European countries, and by means of dialogue and consensus, we think there … Continued

The Barometer of the Círculos 2017

The Barometer of the Círculos, now in its fourth edition, maintains its commitment to Spanish society to help resolve the imbalances that persist in the wake of the recent economic crisis. This objective is shared by the Círculo of Entrepreneurs, the Círculo of Economy and the Círculo of Basque Entrepreneurs, and has been since the … Continued

XX aniversario_SECOT

Spanish Seniors For Technical Cooperation (SECOT)

PRESENTATION SECOT is an association of senior volunteers who selflessly place their wealth of experience and knowledge of business management at the service of society in order to help boost employment and foster economic and social growth. This is an association founded and promoted by Círculo de Empresarios which, since its creation in 1989, has had notable … Continued


Economy and Society Meetings

PRESENTATION The institutions listed below, bringing together a considerable number of business people, executives, academics and, in general, persons and institutions directly linked with the economic and social activities of businesses, periodically hold debates aimed at contributing to the development of and progress regarding the economic and institutional situation in Spain. In addition to exchanging opinions, … Continued


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